Many Canadians are finding help for dental care with the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP).
It is now open to those 65 years old and older, those with a valid disability tax credit certificate and children under 18 years old.
Remaining eligible residents will have access to the CDCP by the end of the year.
The CDCP is a $4.4 billion a year federal program targeting those without dental insurance with a household adjusted net income of less than $90,000 a year. The plan helps residents gain access to basic oral health care to treat problems and preventative services to keep teeth and gums healthy.
Getting into the CDCP program is a simple process. Here are the steps.
Check Eligibility
The CDCP program isn’t open to everyone but is specific to those who qualify. Four criteria must be met to qualify.
You must be a Canadian resident. This is for tax purposes so you must live permanently in Canada and file taxes in Canada.
Your Canadian tax returns must be up-to-date and filed for your and your spouse/common law partner.
Your household has an adjusted net income of less than $90,000. This is calculated by taking the family net income from tax returns of working adults in the home, including you and your spouse or common-law partner, and deducting the universal child care benefit (UCCB) and registered disability savings plan income (RDSP) received.
Then you add any UCCB and RDSP money repaid to get your adjusted family net income.
Qualifying people are those without access to dental insurance. This means you can’t get dental insurance through an employer, a spouse’s employer, a professional, or a student organization. This also includes a lack of access to health and wellness accounts.
It is for those who don’t qualify for traditional dental insurance or where dental coverage isn’t available.
Those eligible for dental coverage through any of these routes don’t qualify for CDCP. This includes those who must pay premiums to gain coverage, decide not to take coverage, or who don’t use the benefit given.
Gather Necessary Information
The biggest task in applying for CDCP coverage is gathering the required information before you call or apply. Pulling it together and having it ready before applying will make the process easier.
You will need the following for yourself, your spouse/common law partner, and your children.
Full name, date of birth and Social Insurance Number (SIN). Some children may not have these but provide the SIN if available for children.
Residential address and your mailing address.
Any information about dental coverage you receive through government social programs. Participating in other government programs doesn’t disqualify you from the CDCP. Those who qualify will have coverage coordinated between the plans so there are no gaps or duplications in coverage.
Your latest notice of assessment and a copy of your filed Canadian tax return for 2023 or 2024.
Apply Online or By Phone
Several ways exist to apply so you should choose the method best for you.
Parents of eligible children can apply through their CRA My Account. Payment will come within 5 business days through this process.
Others can apply online here.
The federal government is encouraging everyone to apply online for the simplest, fastest way to get into the program. You will need to use one of the newer web browsers of Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozille or iOS or MacOS for the best, easiest experience. You will also need to enable both JavaScript and cookies on your browser.
Those without access or online skills can apply over the phone by calling 1-833-537-4342. The hearing impaired can call TTY at 1-833-677-6262. There are alternative formats for information and application such as large print, e-text, Braille, DAISY, and audio/video.
Can I get some help to apply?
Yes, often people need others to help them apply to government programs. Two ways exist to enlist the help of someone else. You can have someone you trust help you apply or apply through a delegate.
To use someone you trust, like a friend or relative, you must be able to clearly give consent that you want them to help you. A delegate is someone who has power of attorney, oversees a trusteeship, or has a mandate to handle your affairs. They have legal authority to represent your interests and must be listed as your delegate on legal documents filed with the courts.
The CDCP will need either original or certified copies of those documents if you use a delegate. This includes a cover letter with your full name, SIN, a statement that submitted documents are for the CDCP, the delegate’s name and contact information and a return address.
You can also bring the documents to a Service Canada office. You will need your full name and SIN number. Go here to find an office near you.
Check Status of Application Using Status Check Tool
It is important that you check the status of your application to ensure everything is filed properly. You can check the status online here.
You will need your client number or application code. This is a number you are given once you apply. It is the number on the right-hand corner of the CDCP letter from Service Canada.
The other item you will need is your SIN for anyone applying, including yourself, your spouse/common law partner, or children. You can check the status of children without a SIN by providing their full name and birthdate.
Use the My Service Canada Account
One easy way to stay updated about your CDCP application is to register for a My Service Canada Account (MSCA). You can use this to renew your application, get letters confirming CDCP eligibility, or other important communications about your CDCP status. Go here to register.
Get Started Today
It doesn’t take long to apply for the CDCP program once you have your documents together and staying updated isn’t complicated. Those who think they are eligible should make the most of the opportunity for quality dental healthcare by finding out more about this program and applying today.