Articles posted by Taunton Village Dental

Top 10 After-School Snacks For Your Kids

School lunches have been heavily debated for some time since they offer very little nutrition for growing kids. Unfortunately, bad eating habits are often perpetuated at home in the form of unhealthy after-school snacks. Not only do unhealthy snacks such as potato chips, cereal, pies, bread, and fruit roll-ups contain very little nutritional value, but

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9 Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction

Research has shown that sugar is as addictive as cocaine. From a young age, we are rewarded for good behavior with sugary treats. It makes us want more and more and the more you have, the more of it you want. And it’s not only in candy but also in cakes, cookies, ice cream, and

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3 Reasons to Get Braces in Summer

Orthodontists recommend that children be screened for orthodontic problems before they reach the age of seven, and for active treatment to start between the ages of 10-14. That’s when most permanent teeth have already erupted. However, sometimes, it is recommended that treatment is started early in order to take advantage of the jaw’s natural growth

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6 Reasons to Wear a Mouthguard During Contact Sports

6 Reasons to Wear a Mouthguard During Contact Sports

Dental associations warn that everyone who participates in contact sports or any activity that could potentially damage their teeth should wear a mouthguard. However, many people tend to rebel against what they know is in their best interest – it’s human nature. However, we’re here to try to inspire you with the facts, so that

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Top 5 Temporary Toothache Hacks

Toothaches often occur at the worst possible time – over a weekend when your dentist is closed, or in the middle of the night. While we don’t usually recommend frequent visits to Dr. Google, we’re glad you reached our site, as these tips for relieving tooth pain can actually help to provide temporary relief until

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Can Emotional Issues Really Affect My Oral Health?

Anxiety and stress affect your health in many different ways. Although it is mainly a psychological disorder, it manifests in a range of physical symptoms that can cause your physical health to deteriorate. Panic attacks are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems that stress causes your body. When it comes

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How Much Calcium Do I Really Need?

Calcium is a key nutrient needed to help maintain good health. It has many functions, ranging from enabling blood clotting, to enabling nerve and muscle functioning and building strong bones and teeth. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 50% of women over the age of fifty, will suffer from broken bones or osteoporosis.

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Why Everyone Should Be Screened for Oral Cancer

In the past, people thought that oral cancer was exclusively diagnosed in old men who smoked tobacco for decades. While oral cancer is doubly as prevalent in men as it is in women, and that lifestyle choice can increase the risk, more younger people have been diagnosed in recent years. Professional dentists recommend oral cancer

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510 Taunton Road East

Oshawa, ON L1H 7K5


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